Maximize the Media

Maximize th Media

“Authenticity and credibility are not mutually exclusive – our credibility depends on being authentic when communicating with others”.

We are all creators of content.  From our in person communication to social media we are always making an impression, often making an effort to self-edit to make the best impression. We know instinctively how important it is to balance being our authentic self and maintaining credibility as a leader or valued resource to others in our audience.

Authenticity and credibility are not mutually exclusive – our credibility depends on being authentic when communicating with others. Social media provides us a variety of platforms from which to add value to others as you become known as thought leaders in your field.

This is part two of a three part series on actions you can take right NOW to begin developing your reputation as an expert in your filed. Click here for Part 1:“Build a Brand Workshop” to bring you up to speed.

Part 2:  Maximize the Media

Cat videos notwithstanding, social media has created incredible platforms for interaction and communication.  It has also blurred the lines between professional and personal sharing. The first step is to take a close look at how you are currently using social media.

Assuming you are on more than one social media platform you must be strategic by giving each one a specific mission aligning them on the continuum of personal and professional sharing.  Here are a few thoughts on maximizing the use of social media as a tool to help strengthen your professional brand.

Separate the Social:

  • Create a Facebook Page (different from your Facebook Profile) – it only takes a moment or two to set up.
    • You can invite your friends to like your page and still use Facebook to reach out to new audiences.
  • Modify your username (on Twitter or other sites that allow this type of flexibility) to differentiate your professional/leadership posts from your personal ones.
    • You could create a new professional account or if you want to leverage the number of followers you already have, create a new account for personal sharing.

Specialize the Social: (give each platform a different role and mission)

  • LinkedIn, Twitter (professional account) and a Facebook Page (not Profile) might be where you have more focuses professional posts.
  • Instagram and Snapchat (stories) might be where you allow a bit more of a view behind the curtain or convey small bit of wisdom in an informal way.
  • Google Plus might be where you choose to share articles you find interesting so your audience can get a better sense of what fuels your learning.

Stream the Social: (live streaming)

  • Blab ( – A great resource. You can host your own live talk show, with up to three other guests that can be pulled in form the audience. You can participate as a guest, type comments in the text bar or just listen and applaud others’ comments.
  • Periscope can be used to broadcast and react to audience messages in real-time to give updates on what you are currently working on or broadcast a presentation.
    • You can couple this with to save your Periscope videos for later use (on YouTube for example).

With an ever-expanding number of platforms and resources, finding a few that work for you at first and then expanding will give you time to get to know the strengths and limitations of each and how they may be used in concert with one another, to provide value and expand your reputation.

What other great social media and live streaming resources are out there? Where is the line between being authentically who you are and striving for a consistent professional message to garner professional credibility? Please let me know in the comments below.

Like my new Facebook Page where I will let you know when Part 3 is posted. For more about me or to connect you can find me at

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