It’s All About.You


In the last series we took a deep dive into the process of developing a brand (how you want to be known), developing a plan for coherent communication and taking small consistent actions to earn a reputation as a leader in your field.

The next logical step is to create a single location on the web that can serve as a landing page for those interested in learning more about, or connecting with you.  While you have several options in creating some incredible free websites using free web builder sites like Wix, Weebly, Webnode and Jimdo, the one option that I strongly recommend for this purpose is

The simplicity and flexibility of the recently updated template is what leads me to recommend for you to use as a landing page and central hub for others to reach out to you via social media.


Here are a few features that I like about this free site:

  • Quick start up – If you have a quick bio and a photo you can start up in about 90 seconds
  • Social Links – provides a lot of choices with their social links. The social icons are clear and professional, all you have to do is select the social sites you wish to link, copy and paste your profile links into each and you are ready to go
  • Flexibility – you can share as much or as little as you choose to including workplace, education and interests
  • Simple design – there are three simple templates that look great (two of which featured above)
  • Prominent Call to Action – in a feature calls “spotlight” there is an highly visible link (that you can easily change any time) to whatever your goal is today. This could be range from “Hire Me” to “Schedule an Appointment” to “View My Portfolio”
  • Flow of the URL – with free web builders your landing page will be a sub-domain under their site (which is no different than but flows better than or other variations using different sites

Whether you are seeking the simplicity and ease of an site or choose to look into other options for free or hosted personal websites having a personal landing page is an essential site that we should all have.

Do you have experience with using free web builders to create personal landing sites?  Do you think should be sponsoring me for this unsolicited endorsement?  Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Connect with me on Twitter @thyrone or if you are in the Columbus area @careercolumbus.  For more about me you can find me at (or

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