Let Your Actions Lead Your Attitudes

“There is no microwave version of self-change. You have to commit to it and persist in it”.   Feelings and attitudes are not the same thing. To greater or lesser degrees we are all governed by our feelings.  While we sometime think of feelings as something we cannot control, we can all think of examples ...

Creating Unique Value

“It’s not how hard you work that qualifies you for a pay raise or promotion, it is how you understand and make known the unique value you bring to your organization that truly matters”. While our primary motivation for the work we do within our organizations is not focused on advancing our careers, organizational leaders ...

The 60 Second Investment

“Growth requires you to look in the mirror until you see something that makes you uncomfortable. You can either change or purposefully choose to stay the same”. If your organization is anything like mine, your role involves participating in a fair number of meetings and other interactions which evoke a range of emotions from excitement ...