Build A Brand Workshop

Build a Brand Workshop

“Expertise is as much a function of your willingness to share your experience as it is the experiences themselves”.

Most of us underestimate the depth of wisdom our experience teaches us and just how much we can benefit others when we take the bold step to give that wisdom away.  Expertise is as much a function of your willingness to share your experience as it is the experiences themselves. It is only through choosing to share what we know, that we can become known as a trusted resource others look to for answers.

This is part one of a three part series on actions you can take right NOW to begin developing your reputation as an expert in your filed.

Part 1:  Build a Brand (workshop)

I understand why you are rolling your eyes.  To most of us “personal branding” sounds like business speak gone awry.  Think of branding as purposeful curation of you professional reputation. The key is to develop a coherent message about who you are and what people can expect to learn when they look to you.

Start with these questions:

  • What do you want to be known for? (besides ending a sentence with a preposition)
    • How do you want others to see you? (strictly business, competent but humorous)
    • Who is your ideal audience member?
      • This could be anyone form someone new to your field, to a former client, to a future employer or client (while thinking of a type of person is great, it is most helpful to think of a specific person to help you focus your communication)
    • What are the reoccurring themes in your professional and personal life?
      • What subjects/activities do you always seem to gravitate toward?
      • What do these subject/areas have in common?
      • From these commonalities what might your ideal audience member find beneficial? (you can always redefine your ideal audience member)
    • Brainstorm a few platforms you can use to communicate (I’m only listing some of the free options)?
      • Social Media: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter. Perhaps Instagram (depending the tone you are trying to strike).
      • Video: YouTube or Periscope (if you are great off the cuff or have a well-practiced talk)
      • Audio: Soundcloud
      • Personal Website ( or a number of free site builders)

What do you think? What did I miss? Is this oversimplified? Let me know in the comments below. 

Like my Like my new Facebook Page and I’ll let you know when Parts 2 and 3 are posted. For more about me or to connect with oneanother you can find me at

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