The 60 Second Investment

“Growth requires you to look in the mirror until you see something that makes you uncomfortable. You can either change or purposefully choose to stay the same”. If your organization is anything like mine, your role involves participating in a fair number of meetings and other interactions which evoke a range of emotions from excitement ...

Progress Over Perfection

07. March 2016 Coaching, Goals, Tools 1
“Prioritize Progress over Perfection – Ready, Fire, Aim is a better strategy than Ready, Aim, Aim”. Whether it is something new in your current career or you are looking to break ground into a new field, we all have small insecurities that we compensate for in different ways.  For many of us, one common coping mechanism ...

Schedule Your Promotion

“As we go through the busyness of our daily work lives, it is easy to miss the small and significant interactions and accomplishments that demonstrate our unique value to our organizations”. Opportunities are everywhere, capitalizing on opportunity requires preparation.  So what is an action you can put in to practice right now to have you ...

From Consumer to Contributor

“The key to developing your professional reputation is to move from being a consumer of others’ insights to a contributor to others’ learning”. Building a reputation as a resource to others in your current or perspective field takes time and effort, but is not a complicated endeavor.  It is simply a matter of developing a ...

Maximize the Media

“Authenticity and credibility are not mutually exclusive – our credibility depends on being authentic when communicating with others”. We are all creators of content.  From our in person communication to social media we are always making an impression, often making an effort to self-edit to make the best impression. We know instinctively how important it ...

Build A Brand Workshop

“Expertise is as much a function of your willingness to share your experience as it is the experiences themselves”. Most of us underestimate the depth of wisdom our experience teaches us and just how much we can benefit others when we take the bold step to give that wisdom away.  Expertise is as much a ...