Embrace Rejection

“Whether at work or in personal relationships, genuine transparency goes hand in hand with the very real risk of rejection, nonetheless it is worth that risk”.   The end of May marks the end of this phase of this weekly writing project and looking back over the past 18 weeks, I feel like soundly pushed ...

Time Off or Time On?

  What used to be referred to as work-life balance has now merged into a technology enabled “worklife”.  Staying connected simultaneously provides freedom to work without location as a limitation and an expectation of nearly always being available to your organization. Even for those of us who truly enjoy the work we do and don’t ...

What They See That You Don’t

“We know our actions speak louder than words, but what are we actually saying when we think we are being silent”?   When I taught my first undergraduate leadership course as a graduate student nearly two decades ago, one of the first topics we covered was Johari’s Window (Luft & Ingham, 1955). This simple quadrant ...

“So…What do you do”?

“It’s not always my job, but it is always my responsibility”.   Often one of the first things we say when we meet someone new is to ask (or be asked) “so what do you do”?  While we know as a cultural reflex, this mean what do you do for a living or what is ...

If It Ain’t Broke, Improve It

“When examining an organization’s structure, the critical question for organizational leaders to ask: Are you serving the structure or is the structure serving you and your organization”? The structure of an organization is so critically integral to how it functions it can sometimes receive more deference that it is due.  We can think of examples ...